I stare at my new 2017 calendar. Fresh and clean with endless possibilities of what this year might bring. It’s exciting and yet I find myself not wanting to scribble marks in it just yet. I got this calendar at target by the way and I love it. It’s the perfect size and has just the right amount of space for note taking and planning. I’ve thought about getting one of those super fancy ones with all the details, but this has just what I need.
There are 52 weeks in a year- that’s 52 guests I can bring on my podcast. Who will they all be? I have some exciting people lined up but I’m not a huge planner guest wise because I like bringing people on as I go and getting the conversations out soon after they’re recorded so they are relevant to what’s going on… so scheduling out guests to last the 5 weeks post baby was big for me. Last week I’d finally caught up with all my pre-recordings and recorded my first post baby conversation with Dr’s Talebian & Knopman about all things pregnancy and fertility. (listen to it if you haven’t- it’s one of my favorites so far!) I have another interview tomorrow that I’m really looking forward to- gonna be a fun, easy listen for sure.
I have big dreams for what 2017 holds for the podcast. To be honest, I usually think of all kinds of fun ideas when I’m in the middle of something else and I can’t get to planning right that second and then the idea kind of fades a bit in the chaos of kids. There are of course dream guests I’d love to have on the show (holla at me Taylor Swift!) but I also have dreams of adding additional episodes and doing a live show (gasp… that’s a big dream that would take A LOT of work)
So, I’ve started a patreon page and I’ve thought about doing it for quite a while now, but honestly was a bit prideful to do it at first. I was embarrassed to put myself out there like that and ask for help. But then I realized that it wasn’t stupid and that I’m 33 and I’m old enough to be bold and not care if people are judging me for decisions I think make sense. It also helped that I’m seeing many other well-known podcasts who also have the opportunity for listeners to give.
I started this podcast in April, but the planning for it began in January. I’ve spent hours on end figuring this thing out and each week I spend many hours putting together episodes in between taking care of 3 small children. So what the patreon page does, is it gives regular listeners the opportunity to support the work that goes into it. I would love to bring on an editor. If you listen regularly, you know that some episodes have better sound quality than others, but none of them are even close to perfect. And editor could solve that problem. But an editor is pricey and I can’t do that on my own. At least I can’t justify doing it on my own.
SO. For $2 a month or $5 a month you can help me get there. Think of it this way. $2 a month – so $24 for the ENTIRE year for hours and hours of good (hopefully you think it’s good) content. With each level on the patreon page, there are going to be additional incentives (including a monthly BONUS episode that only patreon pledgers will have access to… which will start in January!) I’m still working on all of the details and perfecting it but it will be worth the investment I promise. $2 is half of one latte. Is my podcast worth half of one latte to you? Totally fine if it’s not, but if it is, I’d appreciate the consideration of making me and my guests half of your latte each month.
I made a little video on the page to share with you why I started the patreon page- give it a listen! I was sitting in my car in the driveway with two sleeping kids in the back seats when I took this video.. so it’s like reallllll professional. 🙂
Big thanks to Glenn Hein (who is this creepy guy?!) and Mary Naylor for being my first patreon supporters. I promise I will work so hard this year to make the show the absolute best it can possibly be!! If you want to join them- you can support the show HERE.
And hey if giving to the patreon page isn’t for you right now- there are two other ways you can be a big help to the show- leave an itunes review and share the show with your friends!
If you have suggestions for guests you’d like to hear on the show or and brilliant ideas at all for the show- don’t hesitate to reach out anytime- email me at Lindsey@LindseyHein.com!
THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who is listening and sharing the show. It means so much. I’m pouring my heart into this and it’s always been a dream of mine to be an entrepreneur doing what I love. I would never say that I am an artist, but I’m learning that this is an art to me and I am learning how to make it the best it can be.