I just feel like I need to share my go to playlist these days.
I ran a sluggish 60 minutes today on the treadmill. It was so nice outside that it was probably a sin to run indoors, but we had house stuff going on (it’s officially gonna be on the market tomorrow… eek!) and I didn’t get to workout until 4pm. This was the nicest part of the day, but really I just didn’t want to run with the stroller and also didn’t want to be in charge of a kid, so gym treadmill & kids club it was.
I’m hoping to get in 20 this weekend- debating running the Sam Costa half marathon sandwiched in between some warm up and cool down miles. I was thinking I could run at my goal marathon pace (goal for the fall really), but I’m having a hard time swallowing my pride because I know I’m in no shape to run an awesome time and, well you get it. It’s hard to know what you could have when you know it’s not the right time for you. I have to remind myself, that when you only obsess on times, it takes the fun out of running. I mean, running fast times makes running fun too, but sometimes, yous gotta CHILL.
It would be a lot more fun than running 20 solo, I know that!
That’s all I got.
Do you struggle swallowing your pride when you run races and know you’re not in prime shape? Come one, we’re all human.
Admit it though- it’s fun to have no pressure races.