I know I know everyone is doing Holiday lists and gift guides right now. Well here I am doing one too. I have also included my favorite books of 2024. Some things on this list are a bit pricey and some are not so much. Like this ribbed workout tank from amazon that I love more than I thought I would.
Here is what I got for you. Some of these are gift ideas some of these are treat yourself ideas or put them on YOUR list ideas.
Some items linked are affiliate but some are not. Like the spanx recommendations. I have no affiliation with them though I would like to… I don’t! I love love love the items I purchased from them though and they are probably my new go to for quality apparel. Scroll for those links!
Here goes:
Use code “LindseyH20” for 20% off
The lash therapy is a game changer for your lashes will see change in two weeks time. I was so blown away with this product the first time I used it. They also have a great C-Serum and night serum I use everyday. Are you even 40 if you don’t use C-Serum?
I’ve been using this stuff for 4 years now and I will take breaks from the lash therapy for like 3 months and then hop back on. I’m telling you the difference is wild for first time users! Don’t not do it.

Listen. I am fully mid life doing all the things. Massage, Physical Therapy and freaking Red Light Therapy. The one thing I have refused to dive into is cold plunging but hey I’ll let you know if I do. These are pricey but you can grab it for 25% off through the end of December with the code “Hein25.”
I’m a 20 minutes a day red light therapy mask wearer. My kids think I’m weird. I know I’m weird. It’s all good.
Here are the things Red Light Therapy will do for you: Improve cellular energy production, Reduce Inflammation, Increased Blood Flow, Enhance tissue Oxygenation, Boost Collagen Production, Improved Cellular Resilience and Reduced Cellular Toxicity. Boom Let’s go.

Favorite Workout Gear of 2024:
This bad boy is $17 on amazon and I was skeptical because it’s tight but as long as we pair it with a nice high waisted bottom we are good to go. I ordered a medium and also took the padded cups out. I may have to buy it in the bright green as well. I LOVE the pink.

I’ve lived in some Spanx for athleisure wear.
Bought myself a Pickeball outfit that I love wearing! I just feel alive in it. 🙂 The red is fun.
I also purchased the matching top to it and some comfy black pants linked below…. I love the slit in the front by the feet. It’s fun.

Other Spanx Items I’ve loved:
Slim Flare Pant with Front Slit
I partnered with Oiselle this spring so these items were gifted to me but I’ve LOVED these pieces from them specifically and worn them constantly:
For the Book Lover:
I LOVE this thing. I use it almost everyday. It is nice when I read to the boys at night because their overhead light is off and the room is dark so they are more likely to calm down while I read. I also use it in bed to read or if it’s early morning and I don’t want a lot of light. Highly recommend. It comes with a charger and I keep the charger in my bedside table. I hate trying to keep what charger is what straight and this helps wit that!

Favorite Books of 2024:
Start with Welcome – The Journey toward a Confident and Compassionate Immigration Conversation by Bri
The Berry Pickers – Amanda Peters
The Covenant of Water – Abraham Verghese
Books I’ve read with my kids this year:
CampScare – Delililah S. Dawson

My Side of the Mountain – Jean Craighead George

A Wrinkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle

What I’m listening to, reading and watching:
I’m not a huge mover go-er but the kids love it and so we go a couple times a year. We went to see “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” with an army of friends. It was really cute AND my kids were so bored. LOL. I think maybe a renter for this crew. Also I think mainly my boys just enjoy more action in a movie. I loved it though and cried at the end.
I haven’t dove into the Hallmark Christmas crazy yet but I’ve heard from several friends that the Lindsay Lohan Christmas movie it worth it!
Just finished season 2 of Shrinking and I’m so sad it’s over. Favorite show since Ted Lasso. So good. I’ve also been watching “The Man Inside” which isn’t my favorite but entertaining and easy for evening carefree watching.
This episode of the Daily with Tilda Swinson was really good. And since I like to hyperfixate she mentioned David Bowie in the episode and I’ve been listening to David Bowie all day!
As for my own podcasts. If you want some inspiration to keep going you gotta listen to this episode with Lindi Marcusen who was in a horrific car accident just two weeks after her wedding. Not sure she would survive the aftermath of the accident her family all came to the hospital to say goodbye. Seven years later she is thriving and a first time Paralympian. So much hope in this story and I think you’ll really enjoy it!
I’ve had a lot of fun interviewing more athletes from the Paralympics this summer and am so happy it’s getting more coverage on mainstream media as well.

One more episode I’ve recorded you may enjoy is with Kristen Faulkner! We are running a series where I interview athletes from different sports and Kristen was the first American woman in 40 years to medal in cycling at the Olympics… she walked away with GOLD in Paris this summer. An incredible woman and story. Listen to that here!

If you ever want to simply support my podcast the best way to do that are:
- Subscribe and listen!
- Leave a rating/review on itunes or wherever you listen!
- Share it with your network of people or social media
- You can also support all the work that goes into it over on patreon.com/lindseyhein for as little as $1 a month! This is a great option for listeners who tune in every week and really enjoy the show!
If you are still here to the end- thank you! I hope you are having a great holiday season! Please reach out anytime if you’d ever like to connect!