Louis Frederick Hein arrived on Thursday, January 15th at 8:58am – which happened to be his due date! Since I had a c-section with Marshall, I had a scheduled c-section for 4 days after my due date if I didn’t go on my own. I wanted to try to vbac but didn’t totally have my heart set on it. I was pretty content either way. Although terrified of labor.
On Tuesday night I decided I’d call the doctor Wednesday morning because I’d had some issues that I wanted to ask her about. I didn’t really want to because I thought I was being dramatic, but Glenn told me to just call. They wanted me to come in and sure enough sent us over to the hospital to be monitored. If things looked ok, they’d send us home, if not, we’d be staying and having the baby. (there was no scare- it was just the possibility that my water might have broke, but not totally sure)
WELL, we weren’t ready to be jailed in at the hospital for a few days, plus we didn’t have help with Marshall until 2pm, so we headed home, packed bags, vacuumed, cleaned out the car, did laundry, installed the car seat…. you know all that stuff and finally headed over to the hospital 3 hours later.
I’m so glad we came home and took care of business because we ended up staying. They started a very low dose of picoton around 6pm, by 10pm, I thought I was going to die and would have given my right arm for an epidural. Looking back, I’m still embarrassed of the tears and yells that were happening. I only apologized to my nurse 45 times after the pain was gone. Epidural in- I’m chillin’ and try to sleep on and off all night. Glenn, of course straight snoozes through the night.
At 6am, they told me we’d be ready to push in 30 minutes or so. One would think after being there for over 12 hours, you’d be ready for that. Nope, still not ready, still terrified. I pushed for a little over 2 hours. It didn’t hurt at all, just hard work. I kept thinking how much better at pushing I would be if I did more core work throughout my pregnancy. I’m so glad I was able to vbac- now I know the experience both ways and that’s kind of cool.
Oh and as far as finding out the sex of the baby- I had totally forgot about that part once he was out, only concerned about his/her well-being & Glenn quickly reminded me- It’s a BOY!
And here we are. Baby is here. Marshall is doing great with our new addition. I took him to his first doctor appointment on my own yesterday, while Glenn stayed home with Marshall. All is well.
Thanks everyone for the kind words!
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen a good majority of these pics!

Minutes after he was born. This is a blanket made of my Grandma’s t-shirts- I had it with me the whole time we were in the hospital. Will always be special and we’ll use it plenty with this new little guy.

Although Louis looks very much like newborn Marshall- Marshall definitely looks more like me and Louis more like Glenn. For now at least.

I kind of want to have another kid just to find out if I’d have another boy. I like the boys!
On a completely different note- thank you everyone who entered our first Out for a Run Jersey giveaway! We have a winner- Laura Turrill Clark! We are so excited to send you the jersey and can’t wait to see you wear it!
The plan was to pick the winner last week BUT, baby ended up coming on his due date (for some reason I was in denial that that was a possibility!)… so we were a little busy doing that.
Happy Wednesday all!