Holy hotness. Yesterday was my long run. 10 miles is what I’m considering my 19 week pregnant long run. I’m planning on running the Hendricks County Half Marathon in three weeks, so just keeping that long run around 10 miles. I’ll probably go for 11-12 next weekend and rock a big taper of 7 or so the following. 🙂 The plan is to run the race with the stroller. Glenn is racing hard (maybe going for the W depending on who shows up… it’s a small race and going by previous times, he’d be a good candidate to win.) After he races though- MY plan is for him to jog back to me and grab the stroller, run it in with me as his cool down. Then I’m only running 10 miles with the stroller instead of 13 depending on when he gets back to me. We’ll see.
Back to the run yesterday- yikes it was hot. We ran in Crown Point because we were visiting with Glenn’s family and there are a lot more hills there than in flat old Indianapolis where we run a lot. They really aren’t a big deal, but my heart rate goes up like crazy on hills right now and the heat was nasty. Even though I don’t have “goal times” when I run when I’m pregnant, it’s this little bug that gets in your ear once you’re running a certain pace that says, stay there, stay there. So I had in my head I wanted to run under 10:00 min/mile for the 10 miles. Glenn said “don’t be stupid,  you have nothing to prove” but I of course kept my eye on the watch and was happy every time I was under. Mind games this running thing causes. Not to worry- I would never go faster than I should. I was in control and not ever stupid. I knew it was hot and knew to keep heart rate down… 🙂 (I can just picture one of my aunts reading this and texting me saying…. “You be careful Lindsey Rose” Cheryl, I’m talking to you!!)
Overall I am so happy with the run-Â going into it, I was thinking it would feel like it would take forever, but it went by so fast and I felt great and enjoyed it. Legs didn’t feel tired until the last mile- all the work was controlling keeping my heart rate down and not breathing too hard haha. Not to mention, Marshall was so good the whole run- over an hour and a half of running is a long time, but he is doing so well in the stroller right now and I’m so thankful for that. We thought he would fall asleep early on because he got up super early but he was awake until mile 9. I was happy to have Glenn along with me to push the stroller. Much more fun than by my lonesome. I also had a very nice 3 mile recovery run today. There’s nothing I don’t love about an 11 minute mile right now. Relaxing, straight chillin’ and felt good to get out and run off the stiffness from the longer run Saturday.

That’s right- I made Glenn take a mid run pic- my sister in law was out of town but we ran by her house so I made him take a pic I could text her. This was mile 3.5 after a big hill. (Big in my book)

Done and very satisfied with my 10. Marshall finally fell asleep so we walked a mile more to increase the nap time. Do what you gotta do.
I’m not sure I’m interested in venturing over the 10-11 mile long run and maybe a couple of half marathons during this pregnancy. I did run up until the day before Marshall was born, but mostly 3-5 mile runs throughout the whole pregnancy. I don’t think I ever ran 10. It’s tough because the first trimester has you feeling so tired and lethargic that you don’t have energy for much and when you bounce back energy wise in your second trimester, you have to kind of build back up. That’s how it is for me at least.
So I’m happy where I’m at. Happy I am able to run, let alone keep a decent distance. I do know I should get back in the pool but the cooler temps we’ve had most of the summer have me obsessed with always just running outside. It’s easy, I don’t have to go anywhere, throw my shoes on, throw kid in stroller, go. Thankfully, the plantar fasciitis is pretty much gone and letting me run 5-6 days a week now. That stuff was no joke. I hope it never visits me again.
How was your LONG RUN this weekend? Did you have one?Â
Was it super hot where you are? (At least you weren’t doing Ironman Louisville in the heat!!)