Meal Plan Day 3:
Baked Burritos
I really feel like Glenn needs to be posting this, as I had nothing to do with it.
This meal is based around rice and beans with lot’s of veggies- one of our go tos, we probably have some sort of rice and beans combo twice a week. We call it mexican feista. We always make a lot of extras so plenty to take to work for a day or two.
What we used:
- Whole Grain Rice
- Beans
- Brocolli
- Onions
- Mushrooms
- Tortilla Shell
- Cheese
- Salsa
- Lot’s of yummy spices
- Hot sauce (duh)
- Chicken (we cooked up extra chicken when we made the spicy chicken enchiladas on Sunday so had it on hand. We do the local, free range chicken thing and it ain’t cheap, so we use it very sparingly)
Cook rice, sautee veggies, warm up chicken, throw everything into large tortilla shell, put salsa and sprinkle cheese on top, bake at 350 for 25 minutes.
Had the leftovers for lunch today- even more delicious than last night.
There won’t be a meal plan post on tonights meal, because Glenn is out at the IU game, while Marshall and I hold down the fort. I had the last of the leftover veggie soup and lot’s of cornbread. And an ice cream sandwich. And I’m still hungry, Bye.