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6 Months & Crawling

Marshall turned 6 months yesterday. The day after Christmas. I know I’m always reminiscing about when he was first born, BUT I’m gonna go ahead and to continue to do that. (don’t think for a second I spelled reminiscing correctly without spell check… I can’t even believe spell check picked up what I was trying to spell) 
During those first scary 6 weeks of Marshall’s life, all I wanted was to be at that 6 month bench mark. I would see babies at target and their mom’s where just holding them on their hips, these babies seemed like full grown humans to me. Like I could throw one across the isle at target and they’d be just fine. Not fragile and on the edge of death like my actually healthy 3 week old. 
I still find myself constantly googling “should babies be doing this at 6 months” or I just ask my sister in law for advice. Let’s be honest, I know how to love this baby like none other, but other than that I really know nothing about babies. 
Anyway- WE ARE HERE! 6 months. 
This post is going to be picture heavy. There is just way too much cuteness going on these days. 
First of all Marshall had his first visit with Santa. He stole the show at the mall. Completely hammed it up for the crowd. The baby was not shy. He was pretty much best friends with Santa… and Santa had just came back from a whiskey, I mean lunch break.
Marshall and Santa coming up with a game plan for picture poses.
Hey guys look at my Bears socks. I’m lucky I’m even wearing socks really. Still haven’t worn a real pair of shoes and if it weren’t for Grandma Peggy, mom would have forgot socks all together.
And I just threw in the picture below to show off the cute new hipster shirt he’s rockin:

Hey Blue Eyes
We spent the weekend with Glenn’s family in Crown Point- so thankful to have married into this group.

The entire Hein Family
On Monday and Tuesday we spent time with my family for Christmas:
Marshall and Giovanna Christmas morning. Chapstick “makeup” is her favorite toy and Marshall doesn’t care as long as he can eat his toys.
Here’s what Marshall is up to at 6 Months:

  • Has two teeth
  • Sitting up always – Two weeks ago I put him down for a nap. He cried for 10 minutes, I went in to check on him once he was quiet and he was creepily just sitting up staring at the wall. Guess he wanted to let us know it was time to move the matress down.
  • Crawling everywhere – Video
  • Ate real food for the first time – Video 
  • Puts everything in his mouth
  • No more net in his bathtub 
  • Goes to bed at 7pm, still napping three times a day
  • Sleeping through the night, kind of… lately has been waking up between 12 & 3. We let him cry it out unless it’s past 4am & then I’ll get up to feed him. 
  • Always happy unless hungry or tired. We really lucked out that he got his dads laid back personality.
Check out that tooth! There’s two of them.
He looks scared here… he wasn’t.
Cadence is such a good girl with Marshall, although we do watch her carefully… he loves her
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