Marshall’s four month birthday has come and gone. I still think he is a fairly easy baby, although anytime someone else watches him, they tell me he’s fussy. Usually if he’s fussy, taking his pants off will do the trick. Life is just better with no pants.
We’ve got a pretty good schedule going now and as much as he wants to fight it sometimes, I know getting his naps and getting to bed on time are crucial to how his mood and fussiness will be. Now that I’ve got the schedule down, it gives me anxiety for someone other than regular babysitter to watch him because I’m afraid they’ll mess the schedule up.
You can ask my mom about that- I’ve never really adapted to change very well. I like structure and from everything I’ve read… babies do too.
Favorite new place to sit – Early Christmas present from Aunt Marlee |
All time favorite thing to do at four months- Hang out on his changing table. Well this has kind of always been his favorite thing to do.
Can you see those arches in his feet. Yeah those are identical copies of my feet… and Pap’s feet. (Grandpa Greg) |
OH Hey guys. I’m 4 months old.
My first Halloween. I was just a Tiger, not Tigger. (Way too cool for Winnie the Pooh, come on.) |
With my BFF Giovanna. Getting really tired. |
Cashed. |
Favorite things at 4 months:
- Rolling over like crazy. As soon as you lay him on his back, he’s over
- Sleeping on his belly
- Sleeping with his butt in the air
- Not wearing pants
- Giggling
- Bathtime
- Listening to me sing – he is the only person who appreciates my extremely beautiful off-tone voice, his eyes follow me around the room no matter what I’m doing as long as I’m singing. Lately the most common song choices have been: Call me Maybe, I’ll Fly Away, Swing low Sweet Chariot,Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Marshall Hein we love you, He’s got the whole world in his hands, Amazing Grace – No rhyme or reason for these songs, they are just what pop up in my head and I sing.
- Rolling up like a pretzel and eating feet
- Grabbing EVERYHING
- Staring at and grabbing Cadence
- Toy Moose
- Being on a schedule (hello 7:30pm bedtime!)
- Wake up 8:00-8:30am
- Naps around 9:30am, 12:30pm and 3:30pm
- Eat around 9:00am, 11:30am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 1am, 4am
- Bedtime 7:00pm-8:00pm
- Still waking up twice at night/morning… usually around 1am and 4am
Favorite new Jambos: (I can’t get over how much he looks like Glenn in this pic)
Fire Truck Jambo Slambos from Aunt Erica & Uncle Joe |