We celebrated our 4 year anniversary yesterday. It kind of creeped up on us with everything else that’s been going on this summer. We weren’t going to do anything until next week, but decided to just head out for dinner to one of our favorite spots, Fire By the Monon.
Before dinner we stopped by Babies”R”US to return something and look for a cute outfit for Marshman to wear to Emily’s wedding this weekend. The only dress up outfits for newborns they had were $38. No thank you! So he might just have to wear an oversized polo onsie thing I got at Once Upon a Child instead. Either that or some camouflage pants… we are going to be in Dubois county afterall…
One short meltdown later, me feeding him in the backseat of the car in a walgreens parking lot & we were off to dinner. Good Lord, what has happened here? In our previous life…. I would have had a roadie in the car on the way to dinner… OR we would have rode our bikes up to dinner and tipsily biked our way home with our head lamps.
Since Glenn got me the fancy camera, (fancy to us at least) for Mother’s Day I’ve decided I’m gonna get some good use out of it… although I do still need to read the manual a bit more.
Marshall enjoying the anniversary dinner in his first collared shirt. Slept the whole time… score. |
And, when we got home, I decided I wanted to use the timer on the camera for some family pictures, you know since it was our anniversary and all….
Photo Shoot take 1:
Testing our camera spot…… perhaps we should use the flash? |
4 Years of marriage and 4 years in this cute little broad ripple house. |
Marshall wasn’t ready yet. |
OK, he was kind of ready, but not really willing to wake up. |
Couldn’t leave our first child, Cadence out of the fun. |
That’s a little better. |
Wake up little man! |
Best we could do…. he did not have any interest in these pictures. |
OK, go back to sleep. |
We have a lot to be thankful for this year. In November, when I found out I was pregnant with Marshall, Â it took me getting to our 15 week appointment to really start believing we would actually become parents. On June 26th, God gave us this perfect, healthy little human being to love and care for. That is nothing short of a miracle. I don’t know why I miscarried two pregnancies before Marshall came along, but I know the heartache from those experiences give me a deeper appreciation for this gift. I get to be his mom.
This year when we celebrate our anniversary we are celebrating the Marshman. We can’t wait to see the kind of person he turns in to. So far, he shows signs of his dads content, easy going personality… let’s hope that stays!